Peppermint Essential Oil Wholesale


Peppermint Essential Oil is one of my favorite oils for its potency to open airways and sinuses. Energetically it can be used on chakras to clear and open the blocked energies. Peppermint is used in our Amp up energy alert formula and our Head Soothe synergy. Peppermint activates the senses and stimulates the cells to invoke energy. Distilled from the leaves and flowering tops that are native to Europe, It is known for its’ decongestant, stimulating and refreshing properties. 
It is also used to treat many kinds of digestive upsets; nausea, flatulence, Indigestion. Also good for migraines.

Should not be used on the face, particularly the nose, of infants and small children.

Anecdotal Information: Use for diarrhea, indigestion, stomach pain, travel sickness, bad breath, colds, headaches (migraine, digestive origin), sinusitis,
debility, coughs, flu, insect repellant, bronchitis.

You will notice a difference between our oils and other oils do to its high grade purity. Every drop of our essential oils is completely natural and straight from the world around us. Nature’s beauty can bring you great power when used properly. Be one with your surroundings.