The Essential Oil Monthly Kit Subscription is a new, super easy way to receive a variety of high-quality essential oils, delivered to your doorstep.
The smallest of drops can create the biggest of waves.
When you start to implement tiny changes into your daily life, action becomes solution. These Essential Oils of the Month are about helping you in your journey to a better life and a better you. Begin to manifest what you want to feel.
All our essential oils are handcrafted and formulated to support your energetic, physical and mental well-being.
How it Works? Every month you receive a selection of (3) 5ml Keep it in the Heart Essential Oils that have been put together for you by Joyce.
What are the Essential Oils that are included? Well, they are a surprise! Sign-up today!
• No need to reorder with our auto-pay system• No hidden fees
• Cancel anytime
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